SketchUp C API
A SketchUp model. More...
#include <SketchUpAPI/model/model.h>
Related Functions | |
(Note that these are not member functions.) | |
enum SUResult | SUModelCreate (SUModelRef *model) |
Creates an empty model object for the purposes of writing a SketchUp document. This model object must be released with SUModelRelease(). More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelCreateFromFile (SUModelRef *model, const char *file_path) |
Creates a model from a SketchUp file on local disk. This model object must be released with SUModelRelease(). More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelCreateFromFileWithStatus (SUModelRef *model, const char *file_path, enum SUModelLoadStatus *status) |
Creates a model from a SketchUp file on local disk. This model object must be released with SUModelRelease(). More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelCreateFromBuffer (SUModelRef *model, const unsigned char *buffer, size_t buffer_size) |
Creates a model from a SketchUp skp file buffer. This model object must be released with SUModelRelease(). More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelCreateFromBufferWithStatus (SUModelRef *model, const unsigned char *buffer, size_t buffer_size, enum SUModelLoadStatus *status) |
Creates a model from a SketchUp skp file buffer. This model object must be released with SUModelRelease(). More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelRelease (SUModelRef *model) |
Releases a model object and its associated resources. The root component of the model object and all its child objects must not be released explicitly. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetEntities (SUModelRef model, SUEntitiesRef *entities) |
Retrieves the root model entities. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetActiveEntities (SUModelRef model, SUEntitiesRef *entities) |
Retrieves the model entities of the active context (open group or component). More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetActivePath (SUModelRef model, SUInstancePathRef *instance_path) |
Retrieves the instance path of the active context (open group or component). More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetNumMaterials (SUModelRef model, size_t *count) |
Retrieves the number of materials in a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetMaterials (SUModelRef model, size_t len, SUMaterialRef materials[], size_t *count) |
Retrieves all the materials associated with a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelAddMaterials (SUModelRef model, size_t len, const SUMaterialRef materials[]) |
Adds materials to a model object. Note that the materials cannot be already owned. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetNumComponentDefinitions (SUModelRef model, size_t *count) |
Retrieves the number of components associated with a model. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetComponentDefinitions (SUModelRef model, size_t len, SUComponentDefinitionRef definitions[], size_t *count) |
Retrieves the component definitions that define component instances but not groups. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetNumGroupDefinitions (SUModelRef model, size_t *count) |
Retrieves the number of component definitions that define groups. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetGroupDefinitions (SUModelRef model, size_t len, SUComponentDefinitionRef definitions[], size_t *count) |
Retrieves the component definitions that define groups. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetNumImageDefinitions (SUModelRef model, size_t *count) |
Retrieves the number of component definitions that define images. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetImageDefinitions (SUModelRef model, size_t len, SUComponentDefinitionRef definitions[], size_t *count) |
Retrieves the component definitions that define images. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelAddComponentDefinitions (SUModelRef model, size_t len, const SUComponentDefinitionRef components[]) |
Adds component definitions to a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelRemoveComponentDefinitions (SUModelRef model, size_t len, SUComponentDefinitionRef components[]) |
Remove definitions of components, images, and groups from a model object. All component definitions, their geometry, and attached instances will be released. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelSaveToFile (SUModelRef model, const char *file_path) |
Saves the model to a file. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelSaveToFileWithVersion (SUModelRef model, const char *file_path, enum SUModelVersion version) |
Saves the model to a file using a specific SketchUp version format. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetCamera (SUModelRef model, SUCameraRef *camera) |
Retrieves the camera of a model object. The returned camera object points to model's internal camera. So it must not be released via SUCameraRelease(). More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelSetCamera (SUModelRef model, SUCameraRef *camera) |
Sets the current camera of a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetNumScenes (SUModelRef model, size_t *num_scenes) |
Retrieves the number of scene cameras of a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetNumLayers (SUModelRef model, size_t *count) |
Retrieves the number of layers in a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetLayers (SUModelRef model, size_t len, SULayerRef layers[], size_t *count) |
Retrieves the layers in a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelAddLayers (SUModelRef model, size_t len, const SULayerRef layers[]) |
Adds layer objects to a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetDefaultLayer (SUModelRef model, SULayerRef *layer) |
Retrieves the default layer object of a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelRemoveLayers (SUModelRef model, size_t len, SULayerRef layers[]) |
Removes all layers provided in the array. The default layer cannot be removed. All entities on the deleted layers will be moved to the default layer. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetActiveLayer (SUModelRef model, SULayerRef *layer) |
Retrieves the active layer object of a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelSetActiveLayer (SUModelRef model, SULayerRef layer) |
Sets the active layer object of a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetVersion (SUModelRef model, int *major, int *minor, int *build) |
Retrieves the version of a model object. The version consists of three numbers: major version number, minor version number, and the build number. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetNumAttributeDictionaries (SUModelRef model, size_t *count) |
Retrieves the number of attribute dictionaries of a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetAttributeDictionaries (SUModelRef model, size_t len, SUAttributeDictionaryRef dictionaries[], size_t *count) |
Retrieves the attribute dictionaries of a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetAttributeDictionary (SUModelRef model, const char *name, SUAttributeDictionaryRef *dictionary) |
Retrieves the attribute dictionary of a model object that has the given name. If a dictionary with the given name does not exist, one is added to the model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelIsGeoReferenced (SUModelRef model, bool *is_geo_ref) |
Retrieves whether the model is georeferenced. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetLocation (SUModelRef model, SULocationRef *location) |
Retrieves the location information of a given model. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetStatistics (SUModelRef model, struct SUModelStatistics *statistics) |
Calculates the sum of all entities by type in the model. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelSetGeoReference (SUModelRef model, double latitude, double longitude, double altitude, bool is_z_value_centered, bool is_on_ocean_floor) |
Georeferences the model. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetRenderingOptions (SUModelRef model, SURenderingOptionsRef *rendering_options) |
Retrieves the rendering options of a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetShadowInfo (SUModelRef model, SUShadowInfoRef *shadow_info) |
Retrieves the shadow info of a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetOptionsManager (SUModelRef model, SUOptionsManagerRef *options_manager) |
Retrieves options manager associated with the model. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetNorthCorrection (SUModelRef model, double *north_correction) |
Retrieves the angle which will rotate the north direction to the y-axis for a given model. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelMergeCoplanarFaces (SUModelRef model) |
Merges all adjacent, coplanar faces in the model. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetScenes (SUModelRef model, size_t len, SUSceneRef scenes[], size_t *count) |
Retrieves all the scenes associated with a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetSceneWithName (SUModelRef model, const char *name, SUSceneRef *scene) |
Retrieves the scenes with the given name associated with a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelAddScenes (SUModelRef model, size_t len, const SUSceneRef scenes[]) |
Adds scenes to a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelAddScene (SUModelRef model, int index, SUSceneRef scene, int *out_index) |
Adds scenes to a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetActiveScene (SUModelRef model, SUSceneRef *scene) |
Retrieves the active scene associated with a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelSetActiveScene (SUModelRef model, SUSceneRef scene) |
Sets the provided scene as the active scene. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelAddMatchPhotoScene (SUModelRef model, const char *image_file, SUCameraRef camera, const char *scene_name, SUSceneRef *scene) |
Adds a single matched photo scene to a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetName (SUModelRef model, SUStringRef *name) |
Retrieves the name of a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelSetName (SUModelRef model, const char *name) |
Sets the name of a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetPath (SUModelRef model, SUStringRef *path) |
Retrieves the file path of a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetTitle (SUModelRef model, SUStringRef *title) |
Retrieves the title of a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetDescription (SUModelRef model, SUStringRef *description) |
Retrieves the description of a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelSetDescription (SUModelRef model, const char *description) |
Sets the description of a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetUnits (SUModelRef model, enum SUModelUnits *units) |
Returns the units associated with the given model. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetClassifications (SUModelRef model, SUClassificationsRef *classifications) |
Retrieves the classifications of a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetAxes (SUModelRef model, SUAxesRef *axes) |
Retrieves the axes of a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetStyles (SUModelRef model, SUStylesRef *styles) |
Retrieves the styles of a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetInstancePathByPid (SUModelRef model, SUStringRef pid_ref, SUInstancePathRef *instance_path_ref) |
Retrieves the instance path (including an entity) corresponding to a given persistent id. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetNumFonts (SUModelRef model, size_t *count) |
Retrieves the number of fonts in a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetFonts (SUModelRef model, size_t len, SUFontRef fonts[], size_t *count) |
Retrieves all the fonts associated with a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetDimensionStyle (SUModelRef model, SUDimensionStyleRef *style) |
Retrieves the dimension style associated with a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetLengthFormatter (SUModelRef model, SULengthFormatterRef *formatter) |
Retrieves length formatter settings from the model. The given length formatter object must have been constructed using SULengthFormatterCreate(). It must be released using SULengthFormatterRelease(). More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGenerateUniqueMaterialName (SUModelRef model, const char *in_name, SUStringRef *out_name) |
Retrieves a unique material name from the model that is based on the provided one. If the provided name is unique it will be returned, otherwise any trailing indices will be replaced by a new index. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelFixErrors (SUModelRef model) |
Fixes any errors found in the given model. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelOrientFacesConsistently (SUModelRef model, bool recurse_components) |
Updates the faces in the model so that they are oriented consistently. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetLineStyles (SUModelRef model, SULineStylesRef *line_styles) |
Retrieves line styles from the model. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelLoadDefinition (SUModelRef model, const char *filename, SUComponentDefinitionRef *definition) |
Loads a component from a file. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelLoadDefinitionWithStatus (SUModelRef model, const char *filename, SUComponentDefinitionRef *definition, enum SUModelLoadStatus *status) |
Loads a component from a file. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelRemoveMaterials (SUModelRef model, size_t len, SUMaterialRef materials[]) |
Removes all materials provided in the array. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelRemoveScenes (SUModelRef model, size_t len, SUSceneRef scenes[]) |
Removes selected scenes from a model. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetNumAllMaterials (SUModelRef model, size_t *count) |
Retrieves the number of all the materials in a model including those belonging to SUImageRef and SULayerRef. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetAllMaterials (SUModelRef model, size_t len, SUMaterialRef materials[], size_t *count) |
Retrieves all the materials associated with a model object including those belonging to SUImageRef and SULayerRef. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetGuid (SUModelRef model, SUStringRef *guid) |
Retrieves the guid of a model object. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetLayersByPersistentIDs (SUModelRef model, size_t num_pids, const int64_t pids[], SULayerRef layers[]) |
Retrieves layers by their persistent ids. The layers retrieved will be in the same order as to the peristent ids passed in. If a persistent id doesn't belong to a layer, then a SU_INVALID element will be returned along with SU_ERROR_PARTIAL_SUCCESS. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelIsDrawingElementVisible (SUModelRef model, SUInstancePathRef path, bool *visible) |
Reports whether the given SUDrawingElementRef in an SUInstancePathRef is visible given the model's rendering options. This will take into account "DrawHiddenGeometry" and "DrawHiddenObjects" to determine if the drawing element is visible in the viewport. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetEntitiesByPersistentIDs (SUModelRef model, size_t num_pids, const int64_t pids[], SUEntityRef entities[]) |
Retrieves entities by their persistent ids. The entities retrieved will be in the same order as to the peristent ids passed in. If a persistent id doesn't belong to a entity, then a SU_INVALID element will be returned along with SU_ERROR_PARTIAL_SUCCESS. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetSelection (SUModelRef model, SUSelectionRef *selection) |
Retrieves the selection object for a model. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetNumLayerFolders (SUModelRef model, size_t *count) |
Gets the number of SULayerFolderRef objects owned by the given model. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetLayerFolders (SUModelRef model, size_t len, SULayerFolderRef *layer_folders, size_t *count) |
Gets the SULayerFolderRef objects that are owned by the given model. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelPurgeEmptyLayerFolders (SUModelRef model, size_t *count) |
Removes empty SULayerFolderRef objects from the model. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelAddLayerFolder (SUModelRef model, SULayerFolderRef layer_folder) |
Adds a SULayerFolderRef object to the model. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelPurgeUnusedLayers (SUModelRef model, size_t *count) |
Removes unused SULayerRef objects from the model. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetNumTopLevelLayers (SUModelRef model, size_t *count) |
Retrieves the number of layers in a model object that have not been added to any layer folder. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetTopLevelLayers (SUModelRef model, size_t len, SULayerRef layers[], size_t *count) |
Retrieves the layers in a model that have not been added to a layer folder. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelRemoveLayerFolders (SUModelRef model, size_t len, SULayerFolderRef layer_folders[]) |
Removes all layer folders provided in the array. All children of the deleted layer folders will be moved to the parent of the deleted folder. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetEntitiesOfTypeByPersistentIDs (SUModelRef model, const uint32_t type_flags, const size_t num_pids, const int64_t pids[], SUEntityRef entities[]) |
Retrieves entities of a given type by their persistent ids. The entities retrieved will be in the same order as to the peristent ids passed in. If a persistent id doesn't belong to an entity, then a SU_INVALID element will be returned along with SU_ERROR_PARTIAL_SUCCESS. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelGetBehavior (SUModelRef model, struct SUComponentBehavior *behavior) |
Retrieves the component behavior of a SketchUp model. More... | |
enum SUResult | SUModelSetBehavior (SUModelRef model, const struct SUComponentBehavior *behavior) |
Sets the component behavior of a SketchUp model. More... | |
A SketchUp model.
related |
Adds component definitions to a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | len | The number of component definitions to add. |
[in] | components | The array of component definitions to add. |
related |
Adds a SULayerFolderRef object to the model.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | layer_folder | The layer folder to add. |
or layer_folder
is an invalid objectlayer_folder
fails to be added or is already part of the model.
related |
Adds layer objects to a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | len | The number of layers to add. |
[in] | layers | The layers to add. |
related |
Adds a single matched photo scene to a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | image_file | The full path of the image associated with this scene. |
[in] | camera | The camera associated with this scene. |
[in] | scene_name | The name of the scene to add. |
[out] | scene | The scene object created. |
related |
Adds materials to a model object. Note that the materials cannot be already owned.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | len | The number of material objects to add. |
[in] | materials | The array of material objects to add. |
related |
Adds scenes to a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | index | Where in the list to add the scene. -1 to place at the end. |
[in] | scene | The scene object to add. |
[out] | out_index | The index that the scene was added at. |
related |
Adds scenes to a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | len | The number of scene objects to add. |
[in] | scenes | The array of scene objects to add. |
related |
Creates an empty model object for the purposes of writing a SketchUp document. This model object must be released with SUModelRelease().
[out] | model | The model object created. |
related |
Creates a model from a SketchUp skp file buffer. This model object must be released with SUModelRelease().
[out] | model | The model object created. |
[in] | buffer | The SketchUp file buffer. |
[in] | buffer_size | The SketchUp file buffer size. |
is NULLmodel
is NULLmodel
is already a valid objectbuffer
is an invalid model.
related |
Creates a model from a SketchUp skp file buffer. This model object must be released with SUModelRelease().
value to check if the file was created with a newer version of SketchUp.[out] | model | The model object created. |
[in] | buffer | The SketchUp file buffer. |
[in] | buffer_size | The SketchUp file buffer size. |
[out] | status | Returns additional information on the status of a successful operation. Valid when the return value is SU_ERROR_NONE. |
is NULLmodel
is NULLstatus
is NULLbuffer
is an invalid model.
related |
Creates a model from a SketchUp file on local disk. This model object must be released with SUModelRelease().
[out] | model | The model object created. |
[in] | file_path | The source file path of the SketchUp file. Assumed to be UTF-8 encoded. |
is NULLmodel
is NULLmodel
is already a valid objectfile_path
is an invalid model. (since SketchUp 2014, API 2.0)
related |
Creates a model from a SketchUp file on local disk. This model object must be released with SUModelRelease().
value to check if the file was created with a newer version of SketchUp.[out] | model | The model object created. |
[in] | file_path | The source file path of the SketchUp file. Assumed to be UTF-8 encoded. |
[out] | status | Returns additional information on the status of a successful operation. Valid when the return value is SU_ERROR_NONE. |
is NULLmodel
is NULLstatus
is NULLmodel
is already a valid objectfile_path
is an invalid model.
related |
Fixes any errors found in the given model.
[in] | model | The model object. |
related |
Retrieves a unique material name from the model that is based on the provided one. If the provided name is unique it will be returned, otherwise any trailing indices will be replaced by a new index.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | in_name | The suggested name. |
[out] | out_name | The returned name. |
related |
Retrieves the model entities of the active context (open group or component).
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | entities | The entities retrieved. |
is an invalid objectentities
related |
Retrieves the active layer object of a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | layer | The layer object retrieved. |
related |
Retrieves the instance path of the active context (open group or component).
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | instance_path | The instance path retrieved. This must be released to avoid memory leak. |
is an invalid objectinstance_path
is already a valid object
related |
Retrieves the active scene associated with a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | scene | The scene object retrieved. |
related |
Retrieves all the materials associated with a model object including those belonging to SUImageRef and SULayerRef.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | len | The number of material objects to retrieve. |
[out] | materials | The material objects retrieved. |
[out] | count | The number of material objects retrieved. |
related |
Retrieves the attribute dictionaries of a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | len | The number of attribute dictionaries to retrieve. |
[out] | dictionaries | The dictionaries retrieved. |
[out] | count | The number of attribute dictionaries retrieved. |
related |
Retrieves the attribute dictionary of a model object that has the given name. If a dictionary with the given name does not exist, one is added to the model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | name | The name of the attribute dictionary to retrieve. Assumed to be UTF-8 encoded. |
[out] | dictionary | The dictionary object retrieved. |
related |
Retrieves the axes of a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | axes | The axes object retrieved. |
related |
Retrieves the component behavior of a SketchUp model.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | behavior | The behavior retrieved. |
is invalid
related |
Retrieves the camera of a model object. The returned camera object points to model's internal camera. So it must not be released via SUCameraRelease().
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | camera | The camera object retrieved. |
related |
Retrieves the classifications of a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | classifications | The classifications object retrieved. |
related |
Retrieves the component definitions that define component instances but not groups.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | len | The number of component definitions to retrieve. |
[out] | definitions | The component definitions retrieved. |
[out] | count | The number of component definitions retrieved. |
related |
Retrieves the default layer object of a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | layer | The layer object retrieved. |
related |
Retrieves the description of a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | description | The destination of the retrieved description object. |
related |
Retrieves the dimension style associated with a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | style | The dimension style retrieved. |
related |
Retrieves the root model entities.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | entities | The entities retrieved. |
related |
Retrieves entities by their persistent ids. The entities retrieved will be in the same order as to the peristent ids passed in. If a persistent id doesn't belong to a entity, then a SU_INVALID element will be returned along with SU_ERROR_PARTIAL_SUCCESS.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | num_pids | The number of persistent ids. |
[in] | pids | The persistent ids. |
[out] | entities | The retrieved entity objects. |
related |
Retrieves entities of a given type by their persistent ids. The entities retrieved will be in the same order as to the peristent ids passed in. If a persistent id doesn't belong to an entity, then a SU_INVALID element will be returned along with SU_ERROR_PARTIAL_SUCCESS.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | type_flags | An integer made up by combining Entity Type Flag values together with bitwise 'or'. This determines what types of entities to look for. |
[in] | num_pids | The number of persistent ids. |
[in] | pids | The persistent ids. |
[out] | entities | The retrieved entity objects. |
related |
Retrieves all the fonts associated with a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | len | The number of font objects to retrieve. |
[out] | fonts | The font objects retrieved. |
[out] | count | The number of font objects retrieved. |
related |
Retrieves the component definitions that define groups.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | len | The number of component definitions to retrieve. |
[out] | definitions | The component definitions retrieved. |
[out] | count | The number of component definitions retrieved. |
related |
Retrieves the guid of a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | guid | The guid string. |
related |
Retrieves the component definitions that define images.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | len | The number of component definitions to retrieve. |
[out] | definitions | The component definitions retrieved. |
[out] | count | The number of component definitions retrieved. |
related |
Retrieves the instance path (including an entity) corresponding to a given persistent id.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | pid_ref | Persistent id of the entity. |
[out] | instance_path_ref | Instance path to the entity. |
related |
Gets the SULayerFolderRef objects that are owned by the given model.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | len | The number of elements in layer_folders . |
[out] | layer_folders | An array of layer folder objects. |
[out] | count | The number of elements written into layer_folders . |
is an invalid objectlayer_folders
or count
related |
Retrieves the layers in a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | len | The number of layers to retrieve. |
[out] | layers | The layers retrieved. |
[out] | count | The number of layers retrieved. |
related |
Retrieves layers by their persistent ids. The layers retrieved will be in the same order as to the peristent ids passed in. If a persistent id doesn't belong to a layer, then a SU_INVALID element will be returned along with SU_ERROR_PARTIAL_SUCCESS.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | num_pids | The number of persistent ids. |
[in] | pids | The persistent ids. |
[out] | layers | The retrieved layer objects. |
related |
Retrieves length formatter settings from the model. The given length formatter object must have been constructed using SULengthFormatterCreate(). It must be released using SULengthFormatterRelease().
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | formatter | The formatter used to retrieve the settings. |
related |
Retrieves line styles from the model.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | line_styles | The line styles of the model. |
related |
Retrieves the location information of a given model.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | location | The location retrieved. |
related |
Retrieves all the materials associated with a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | len | The number of material objects to retrieve. |
[out] | materials | The material objects retrieved. |
[out] | count | The number of material objects retrieved. |
related |
Retrieves the name of a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | name | The destination of the retrieved name object. |
related |
Retrieves the angle which will rotate the north direction to the y-axis for a given model.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | north_correction | The north correction angle retrieved (in degrees). |
related |
Retrieves the number of all the materials in a model including those belonging to SUImageRef and SULayerRef.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | count | The number of material objects available. |
related |
Retrieves the number of attribute dictionaries of a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | count | The number of attribute dictionaries available. |
related |
Retrieves the number of components associated with a model.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | count | The number of components available. |
related |
Retrieves the number of fonts in a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | count | The number of font objects available. |
related |
Retrieves the number of component definitions that define groups.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | count | The number of component definitions available. |
related |
Retrieves the number of component definitions that define images.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | count | The number of component definitions available. |
related |
Gets the number of SULayerFolderRef objects owned by the given model.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | count | The number of layer folder objects. |
is an invalid objectcount
related |
Retrieves the number of layers in a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | count | The number of layers available. |
related |
Retrieves the number of materials in a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | count | The number of material objects available. |
related |
Retrieves the number of scene cameras of a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | num_scenes | The number of scenes available. |
related |
Retrieves the number of layers in a model object that have not been added to any layer folder.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | count | The number of top-level layers available. |
is not a valid objectcount
related |
Retrieves options manager associated with the model.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | options_manager | The options manager object retrieved. |
related |
Retrieves the file path of a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | path | The destination of the retrieved path object. |
related |
Retrieves the rendering options of a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | rendering_options | The rendering options object retrieved. This object is owned by the model and must not be explicitly released. |
related |
Retrieves all the scenes associated with a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | len | The number of scene objects to retrieve. |
[out] | scenes | The scene objects retrieved. |
[out] | count | The number of scene objects retrieved. |
related |
Retrieves the scenes with the given name associated with a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | name | The name of scene object to retrieve. |
[out] | scene | The scene object retrieved. |
related |
Retrieves the selection object for a model.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | selection | The retrieved selection object. |
related |
Retrieves the shadow info of a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | shadow_info | The shadow info object retrieved. This object is owned by the model and must not be explicitly released. |
related |
Calculates the sum of all entities by type in the model.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | statistics | The SUModelStatistics() struct that will be populated with the number of each entity type in the model. |
related |
Retrieves the styles of a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | styles | The styles object retrieved. |
related |
Retrieves the title of a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | title | The destination of the retrieved title object. |
related |
Retrieves the layers in a model that have not been added to a layer folder.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | len | The number of layers to retrieve. |
[out] | layers | The layers retrieved. |
[out] | count | The number of layers retrieved. |
is not a valid objectlayers
or count
related |
Returns the units associated with the given model.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | units | The units retrieved. |
related |
Retrieves the version of a model object. The version consists of three numbers: major version number, minor version number, and the build number.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | major | The major version number retrieved. |
[out] | minor | The minor version number retrieved. |
[out] | build | The build version number retrieved. |
related |
Reports whether the given SUDrawingElementRef in an SUInstancePathRef is visible given the model's rendering options. This will take into account "DrawHiddenGeometry" and "DrawHiddenObjects" to determine if the drawing element is visible in the viewport.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | path | The instance path to resolve visibility for. |
[out] | visible | The retrieved layer objects. |
related |
Retrieves whether the model is georeferenced.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | is_geo_ref | The flag retrieved. |
related |
Loads a component from a file.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | filename | The full path and filename to a SkethchUp model. |
[out] | definition | The component definition that is created after load. |
is not a valid objectfilename
is NULLdefinition
is NULLdefinition
is already a valid object
related |
Loads a component from a file.
value to check if the file was created with a newer version of SketchUp.[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | filename | The full path and filename to a SkethchUp model. |
[out] | definition | The component definition that is created after load. |
[out] | status | Returns additional information on the status of a successful operation. Valid when the return value is SU_ERROR_NONE. |
is not a valid objectfilename
is NULLdefinition
is NULLstatus
is NULLdefinition
is already a valid object
related |
Merges all adjacent, coplanar faces in the model.
[in] | model | The model object. |
related |
Updates the faces in the model so that they are oriented consistently.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | recurse_components | Orient components of the model. |
related |
Removes empty SULayerFolderRef objects from the model.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | count | The number of empty layer folders removed. If NULL, count will not be retrieved. |
is an invalid object
related |
Removes unused SULayerRef objects from the model.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[out] | count | The number of layers deleted. If NULL, count will not be retrieved. |
is an invalid object
related |
Releases a model object and its associated resources. The root component of the model object and all its child objects must not be released explicitly.
[in] | model | The model object. |
related |
Remove definitions of components, images, and groups from a model object. All component definitions, their geometry, and attached instances will be released.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | len | The number of component definitions to remove. |
[in] | components | The array of component definitions to remove. |
related |
Removes all layer folders provided in the array. All children of the deleted layer folders will be moved to the parent of the deleted folder.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | len | The length of the array. |
[in] | layer_folders | The layer folders to be deleted. |
is not a valid object.layer_folders
is NULLlen
is less than one.layer_folders
is 0.layer_folders
but fail to remove others.
related |
Removes all layers provided in the array. The default layer cannot be removed. All entities on the deleted layers will be moved to the default layer.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | len | The length of the array. |
[in] | layers | The layers to be deleted. |
related |
Removes all materials provided in the array.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | len | The length of the array. |
[in] | materials | The materials to be deleted. |
related |
Removes selected scenes from a model.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | len | The number of scenes in the array for removal. |
[in] | scenes | The scenes to be deleted from the model. |
related |
Saves the model to a file.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | file_path | The file path destination of the serialization operation. Assumed to be UTF-8 encoded. |
related |
Saves the model to a file using a specific SketchUp version format.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | file_path | The file path destination of the serialization operation. Assumed to be UTF-8 encoded. |
[in] | version | The SKP file format version to use when saving. |
related |
Sets the active layer object of a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | layer | The layer object to be set as the active layer. |
related |
Sets the provided scene as the active scene.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | scene | The scene object to be set as the active scene. |
related |
Sets the component behavior of a SketchUp model.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | behavior | The behavior to set. |
is invalidbehavior
related |
Sets the current camera of a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | camera | The camera object. This reference will become invalid when this function returns. |
related |
Sets the description of a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | description | The description of the model object. Assumed to be UTF-8 encoded. |
related |
Georeferences the model.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | latitude | Latitude of the model. |
[in] | longitude | Longitude of the model. |
[in] | altitude | Altitude of the model. |
[in] | is_z_value_centered | Indicates if z value should be centered. |
[in] | is_on_ocean_floor | Indicates whether the model is on the ocean floor. |
related |
Sets the name of a model object.
[in] | model | The model object. |
[in] | name | The name of the model object. Assumed to be UTF-8 encoded. |