(Note that these are not member functions.)
SUEntityRef | SUComponentDefinitionToEntity (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def) |
| Converts from an SUComponentDefinitionRef to an SUEntityRef. This is essentially an upcast operation. More...
SUComponentDefinitionRef | SUComponentDefinitionFromEntity (SUEntityRef entity) |
| Converts from an SUEntityRef to an SUComponentDefinitionRef. This is essentially a downcast operation so the given entity must be convertible to an SUComponentDefinitionRef. More...
SUDrawingElementRef | SUComponentDefinitionToDrawingElement (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def) |
| Converts from an SUComponentDefinitionRef to an SUDrawingElementRef. This is essentially an upcast operation. More...
SUComponentDefinitionRef | SUComponentDefinitionFromDrawingElement (SUDrawingElementRef drawing_elem) |
| Converts from an SUDrawingElementRef to an SUComponentDefinitionRef. This is essentially a downcast operation so the given element must be convertible to an SUComponentDefinitionRef. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionCreate (SUComponentDefinitionRef *comp_def) |
| Creates a new component definition. The created definition must be released with SUComponentDefinitionRelease(), or attached to either a parent component or parent model. Add the new component definition to model using SUModelAddComponentDefinitions() before making any modifications to it. Once the component definition is owned by a model, use SUModelRemoveComponentDefinitions() to remove it. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionRelease (SUComponentDefinitionRef *comp_def) |
| Releases a component definition object and its associated resources. If the provided definition was contained by a model, use SUModelRemoveComponentDefinitions() to remove the definition and all instances. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionGetName (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def, SUStringRef *name) |
| Retrieves the name of a component definition. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionSetName (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def, const char *name) |
| Sets the name of a component definition. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionGetGuid (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def, SUStringRef *guid_ref) |
| Retrieves the globally unique identifier (guid) string of a component definition. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionGetEntities (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def, SUEntitiesRef *entities) |
| Retrieves the entities of the component definition. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionGetDescription (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def, SUStringRef *desc) |
| Retrieves the description of the component definition. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionSetDescription (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def, const char *desc) |
| Sets the description of the component definition. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionCreateInstance (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def, SUComponentInstanceRef *instance) |
| Create an instance of a component definition. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionGetNumUsedInstances (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def, size_t *count) |
| Retrieves the total number of instances of the provided definition. This method takes into account the full hierarchy of the model. Therefore, the count is influenced by adding/removing instances of other definitions which contain an instance of this definition. Users should not use this function to determine the count to be passed to SUComponentDefinitionGetInstances specifying the number of instances to be retrieved. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionGetNumInstances (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def, size_t *count) |
| Retrieves the number of unique instances of the provided definition. The returned count represents the number of instances of this definition in the model's root plus the number instances of this definition contained in other definitions. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionGetInstances (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def, size_t len, SUComponentInstanceRef instances[], size_t *count) |
| Retrieves the instances of the definition. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionGetBehavior (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def, struct SUComponentBehavior *behavior) |
| Retrieves the behavior of a component definition. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionSetBehavior (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def, const struct SUComponentBehavior *behavior) |
| Sets the component behavior of a component definition. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionApplySchemaType (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def, SUSchemaRef schema_ref, SUSchemaTypeRef schema_type_ref) |
| Applies a schema type from a schema to a component definition. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionIsInternal (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def, bool *is_internal) |
| Retrieves a flag indicating whether the component definition was created inside the current SketchUp model or whether it was added from another SKP file. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionGetPath (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def, SUStringRef *path) |
| Retrieves the path where the component definition was loaded from. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionGetLoadTime (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def, struct tm *load_time) |
| Gets the load time of the component definition. For an internal component definition, this is the time that it was created. For an external component definition, this is the time that it was added to the model. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionGetNumOpenings (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def, size_t *count) |
| Retrieves the number of openings from the component definition. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionGetOpenings (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def, size_t len, SUOpeningRef openings[], size_t *count) |
| Retrieves the openings from the component definition. The openings retrieved must be released with SUOpeningRelease(). More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionGetInsertPoint (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def, struct SUPoint3D *point) |
| Retrieves the insertion point from the component definition. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionGetType (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def, enum SUComponentType *type) |
| Retrieves the SUComponentType() from the component definition. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionOrientFacesConsistently (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def) |
| Updates the faces in the component definition so that they are oriented consistently. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionSetInsertPoint (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def, const struct SUPoint3D *point) |
| Sets the insertion point for the component definition. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionSetAxes (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def, SUAxesRef axes) |
| Sets the axes of the component definition. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionIsLiveComponent (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def, bool *is_live) |
| Retrieves a flag indicating whether the component definition is a Live Component or a sub-definition of a Live Component. More...
enum SUResult | SUComponentDefinitionSaveToFile (SUComponentDefinitionRef comp_def, const char *file_path, enum SUModelVersion version) |
| Saves the component definition to a file. More...
enum SURefType | SUEntityGetType (SUEntityRef entity) |
| Returns the concrete type of the given entity. More...
enum SUResult | SUEntityGetID (SUEntityRef entity, int32_t *entity_id) |
| Retrieves the id of the entity. More...
enum SUResult | SUEntityGetPersistentID (SUEntityRef entity, int64_t *entity_pid) |
| Retrieves the persistent id of the entity. More...
enum SUResult | SUEntityGetNumAttributeDictionaries (SUEntityRef entity, size_t *count) |
| Retrieves the number of attribute dictionaries of an entity. More...
enum SUResult | SUEntityGetAttributeDictionaries (SUEntityRef entity, size_t len, SUAttributeDictionaryRef dictionaries[], size_t *count) |
| Retrieves the attribute dictionaries of an entity. More...
enum SUResult | SUEntityAddAttributeDictionary (SUEntityRef entity, SUAttributeDictionaryRef dictionary) |
| Adds the attribute dictionary to an entity. The given dictionary object must not belong to another entity. In other words, each dictionary should be added to one entity only. More...
enum SUResult | SUEntityGetAttributeDictionary (SUEntityRef entity, const char *name, SUAttributeDictionaryRef *dictionary) |
| Retrieves the attribute dictionary of an entity that has the given name. More...
enum SUResult | SUEntityGetModel (SUEntityRef entity, SUModelRef *model) |
| Retrieves the model object associated with the entity. More...
enum SUResult | SUEntityGetParentEntities (SUEntityRef entity, SUEntitiesRef *entities) |
| Retrieves the entities object which contains the entity. More...
References a component definition.